Warren Buffett Raises Concerns Over Potential ‘Huge Losses’ in Booming Cyber ​​Insurance Market.

Key Points:

Warren Buffett and Ajit Jain, Berkshire Hathaway’s top insurance executive, have raised concerns about possible “huge losses” in the cyber insurance market.
Buffett criticized the rush to acquire cyber insurance clients without proper actuarial data and risk analysis, likening the boom to “rat poison.”
Despite these warnings, Berkshire Hathaway is the sixth-largest issuer of cybersecurity policies in the U.S., according to Fitch Ratings, though cyber insurance represents only 1% of all policies and is rapidly expanding.

Berkshire Hathaway’s Caution

At Berkshire Hathaway’s recent annual shareholder meeting, Warren Buffett and Ajit Jain highlighted their concerns about the cyber insurance market. Although profitable, cyber insurance presents too many uncertainties for Berkshire to fully embrace it.

Jain described cyber insurance as a “fashionable product,” currently yielding about 20% profit from total premiums. However, the difficulty in assessing cumulative losses from events like major cloud service outages poses significant risks. This unpredictability makes Berkshire hesitant to expand its involvement.

Industry Insights and Market Trends

Industry analysts believe the cyber insurance market is stabilizing and becoming increasingly profitable. Gerald Glombicki from Fitch Ratings notes that Berkshire Hathaway is still a major player. The cyber insurance premiums are expected to double over the next few years, signaling strong market growth and confidence.

Mark Friedlander from the Insurance Information Institute observed that cyber insurance premiums are projected to rise significantly, reflecting the sector’s rapid growth. The recent decline in cybersecurity insurance rates indicates increasing stability and confidence among insurers.

Differing Views on Risk Management

Buffett and Jain’s cautious approach is due to concerns about accurately pricing cyber insurance risks. Jain mentioned that Berkshire agents are generally discouraged from writing cyber insurance policies unless necessary, emphasizing the mindset that each policy could potentially result in a loss.

Conversely, Monica Shokrai from Google Cloud argued that cyber risks are manageable with proper cyber hygiene and that most cyber losses can be mitigated. She noted that insurers often include exclusions for nation-state attacks to manage risk.

The Future of Cyber ​​Insurance.

While Berkshire Hathaway remains cautious, many experts see cyber insurance as a viable and growing market. Steve Griffin from L3 Networks highlighted that cyber insurance helps improve overall cybersecurity standards, as policies require businesses to implement certain safeguards.

Buffett acknowledges the potential for cyber insurance to become a significant business but remains wary of the associated risks and potential losses. His cautious stance reflects broader concerns about the unpredictability and evolving nature of cyber risks.


ngs highlight the challenges and uncertainties in the cyber insurance market. Despite rapid growth and profitability, the potential for significant cumulative losses keeps Berkshire Hathaway cautious. As the market evolves, insurers continue to navigate the complexities of cyber risk, balancing growth opportunities with prudent risk management.

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