How to Cut Your Auto and Home Insurance Bills This Year : Understanding the Rise in Insurance Costs and Strategies to Save

Why Insurance Costs Are Increasing

Consumers have been facing higher prices across the board, with particularly steep increases in automobile and homeowners insurance premiums. Over the past few years, these rates have surged dramatically. Stephen Crewdson, Senior Director of Insurance Intelligence at J.D. Power, describes this period as historically unprecedented. According to the Consumer Price Index, the average cost of car insurance increased by more than 20% in the 12 months ending in February 2024, and by over 38% since 2020. Homeowners insurance premiums also saw an average increase of 11.3% in 2023, though this varies significantly by state.

Factors Behind Auto Insurance Premium Hikes

Increased Accidents and Risky Driving

The pandemic significantly reduced driving in 2020, leading to fewer claims and lower premiums as insurers issued refunds. However, as normal activities resumed in 2021, so did car accidents. Post-pandemic, more people are driving recklessly and using mobile devices while driving, contributing to an increase in crashes and claims. Car crash fatalities were up by more than 10% in 2022 compared to 2020.

Higher Repair Costs

Modern vehicles are equipped with advanced safety features, which, while beneficial, increase repair costs. For example, a windshield replacement that used to cost $300 can now exceed $1,000 due to integrated technology. Additionally, inflation, supply chain issues, and labor shortages have driven up the cost and duration of auto repairs, leading to higher insurance payouts.

Increased Lawsuits

There has been a rise in lawsuits following accidents, with larger settlements becoming more common. This trend has driven up the cost of auto insurance policies, as insurers adjust to cover these higher liabilities.

Tips to Save on Auto Insurance

  • Check for Discounts: Look for discounts from insurers for actions like taking a defensive driving course, installing anti-theft devices, or maintaining good grades for student drivers.
  • Safe Driving Programs: Enroll in telematics programs that monitor driving habits. Many insurers offer premium discounts for safe driving.
  • Mileage-Based Policies: If you drive less, consider a mileage-based policy where your premium is tied to the number of miles driven.
  • Pay for Minor Repairs: Handle small repairs out-of-pocket to avoid rate increases from frequent claims.
  • Estimate Insurance Costs Before Buying a Car: Check insurance costs for new vehicles before purchasing, as newer models with advanced technology or sports cars tend to have higher premiums.
  • Increase Your Deductible: Raising your deductible can lower your premium. Ensure you have savings to cover the higher out-of-pocket costs in case of an accident. Bundle Policies: Combining multiple insurance policies with one insurer can result in discounts.

Reasons Behind Rising Homeowners Insurance Costs

Natural Disasters and Inflation

The primary driver of increased homeowners insurance premiums is the rising frequency and severity of natural disasters. Events like hurricanes, blizzards, and wildfires have become more intense, leading to higher insurance claims. Inflation, labor shortages, and supply chain disruptions have further increased the cost of home repairs.

Regulatory Challenges

In states like California and Florida, regulatory and legal issues have compounded these challenges. For instance, California’s restrictions on premium increases led insurers to withdraw from wildfire-prone areas, though recent policy changes may encourage their return. In Florida, insurance scams and litigation inflated costs, but recent reforms are stabilizing the market.

Strategies to Save on Homeowners Insurance

  • Utilize Discounts: Pay premiums annually, opt for paperless statements, and maintain a nonsmoking household to qualify for discounts. Long-term customers and those bundling multiple policies also often receive discounts.

Improve Home Safety:

  • Install fire alarms, home security systems, and leak-detection devices. Replacing aging heating, plumbing, and electrical systems can also lead to savings.
  • Invest in Home Hardening: Upgrade your home to better withstand natural disasters. In fire zones, use fire-resistant materials; in hurricane-prone areas, install stormproof doors and windows.
  • Raise Your Deductible: Increasing your deductible can reduce your premium. Ensure you have sufficient savings to cover this higher deductible. Improve Your Credit Score: In some states, a higher credit score can lead to lower premiums. Focus on timely payments and maintaining low credit card balances.
  • Maintain Continuous Coverage: Avoid canceling your insurance. Continuous coverage is crucial for future eligibility and financial protection.


While rising insurance premiums pose a significant financial challenge, understanding the factors behind these increases and implementing strategic measures can help you save on auto and homeowners insurance.

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