Eligible Individuals Earning Below $120,000 Could Receive Student Loan Forgiveness for Accrued Interest This Autumn


Millions of borrowers facing escalating student loan balances due to accrued or capitalized interest may find relief under a proposed plan by the Biden administration. This initiative is aimed at assisting borrowers earning $120,000 or less annually, offering substantial aid to those grappling with student debt. Here’s an overview of what this proposal entails and its potential benefits for borrowers.

Ballooning Student Loan Balances:

Many borrowers have witnessed significant increases in their student loan balances over time, despite making regular payments. This trend is primarily attributed to interest accumulation during deferment, forbearance, and specific repayment plans. Additionally, events such as interest capitalization further exacerbate the issue, leading to a compounding effect on loan balances.

Proposed Student Loan Forgiveness:

Under Biden’s plan, federal borrowers may qualify for up to $20,000 in student loan forgiveness for accrued or capitalized interest since entering repayment. Lower-income borrowers stand to gain the most, with individuals earning $120,000 or less annually, or married couples filing taxes separately, eligible for complete interest forgiveness if enrolled in an Income-Driven Repayment (IDR) plan like the SAVE plan. Similar relief thresholds apply to other filing statuses, offering significant assistance across various income brackets.

Other Elements of Biden’s Debt Relief Plan:

Biden’s proposed plan extends beyond interest forgiveness, targeting various groups for relief. This includes borrowers eligible for existing forgiveness plans, those who entered repayment two decades ago, students affected by institutional financial aid loss, and individuals facing significant hardships. Draft regulations for these categories have been published, with implementation expected this fall.

Challenges and Considerations:

While the proposed plan offers hope for borrowers, challenges such as legal hurdles and potential delays due to the upcoming presidential election could impact its implementation. Additionally, rising federal student loan interest rates add urgency to the need for relief, underscoring the importance of timely action.

Other Relief Measures:

Besides the proposed forgiveness plan, the Biden administration has implemented reforms such as the SAVE plan and regulatory changes to mitigate interest capitalization triggers. These measures aim to alleviate the burden of student debt and prevent further balance growth for affected borrowers.


Biden’s proposed student loan forgiveness plan for accrued interest offers significant assistance to millions of struggling borrowers, particularly those with lower incomes. By addressing the root causes of ballooning loan balances and providing targeted relief, the plan represents a crucial step toward easing the burden of student debt and fostering financial stability for borrowers.

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